Teaching programming has never been that easy!

What is codeklasse?

codeklasse is an educational coding game for children aged 6 to 12. It’s built with autonomous learning in mind, while also providing ready-made campaigns and support material for parents (or teachers) to support children in the process.

Our partners & supporters

How is codeklasse relevant to me?

Promote young talent. Expand regional competence.

Around 54% of companies in Germany expect demand for IT specialists to rise. 65% expect more digitization in the company in the future.

Germany's schools are currently failing to get enough future workers interested in STEM subjects. But we need nationwide measures to solve this problem in time.

This is where codeklasse comes in. Since 2020, we've been developing our platform to get children excited about programming starting in first grade and without any reading skills at all. We’re looking for strong partners who want to push this topic forward with us.

Learn programming from the very first grade.

Teachers don't need any prior programming knowledge to bring codeklasse to their class.

codeklasse is easy to use and provides a pre-built learning path for students to expand their programming skills step by step.

A wide selection of additional learning units offers flexible and comprehensive learning - whether at home or at school.

Providing children with the skills of tomorrow.

Von links nach rechts: Ein junger Mann, eine junge Frau und
            ein weiterer junger Mann schauen auf ein Notebook und sprechen sich

Learning programming pays off! Technology-related positions are among the most sought-after professions in the coming years.

Ein Junge guckt, aufgrund des Buchs in seiner Hand,
            erstaunt in die Kamera.

Learning is fun! With cool animations, individual assistance and many small success experiences, we want to give children the joy of learning. In small steps to big success.

Ein Mädchen meldet sich im Unterricht. Sie scheint stolz zu
            sein, die Antwort zu wissen.

Kinder im Alter von sechs bis sieben Jahren schauen im Durchschnitt 133 Minuten pro Tag auf einen Bildschirm. Digitale Medien sind längst Teil unseres Alltags - wir sollten sie bewusst und sinnvoll nutzen.

Who's behind the project?

Initially working on a master's thesis, Sergej developed the first version of the app and launched it as a university spin-off with the NRW-Gründerstipendium. Liam first contributed in an advisory capacity until he jumped on board as a co-founder in January '22 to bring his passion for creative coding into product development. Together, the two are a young team from Bochum that wants to make a difference.


codeklasse aims to strengthen competencies in the STEM field at an early stage and to meet Germany's needs in the long term.


Our vision is that after the 4th grade, every child will be able to program as well as write and do math.


Our mission is to get kids excited about programming and create a platform that teaches this skill in a fun & descriptive way.


Our top priority is to provide access to new age education regardless of money & status.

The founders Liam & Sergej

The founders Liam & Sergej

© Bochum Wirtschaftsentwicklung, Donna und der Blitz GmbH

Any questions left?

What can you do with codeklasse?

codeklasse is a fully comprehensive programming learning software for children from 1st to 4th grade. It not only enables students to learn programming on their own, but also provides ready-made campaigns and support materials for teachers to facilitate lesson preparation.

Do I have to know programming myself?

No. codeklasse is deliberately designed so that not only children, but also teachers from outside the subject can learn programming. Our platform provides ready-to-use courses and modern teaching materials that give students and teachers alike easy, frustration-free access to the topic of programming.

How can I use codeklasse with my children or students?

As of today, codeklasse hasn’t been released yet. But please do contact us if you are interested in testing it. We’re always happy about feedback or early testers who help us improve codeklasse.

...more questions and answers

Blog & News

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take another perspective

Questions? Ideas? Cooperations?

Let's talk about it! Schedule an appointment or leave us a message.

Liebe Besucher und Besucherinnen, aktuell ist das Projekt codeklasse auf unbestimmte Zeit pausiert. Bei Fragen und Anregungen können Sie uns natürlich trotzdem unter team [at] codeklasse.de erreichen. Wir bedanken und bis hierhin für die Unterstützung und verbleiben mit besten Grüßen aus Bochum - Liam & Sergej